Sign the Petition: Say No to Walmart’s Makeup for Young Girls

Just when I was starting to feel like Wal-Mart was improving.  They have started selling more organic produce, and are working to improve the nutritional quality of their food with manufacturers, partnering with anti-obesity champion and First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Then I hear about one of their newest product lines.  Is it a line of non-toxic personal care/bath and body products, made with fully labeled and safer ingredients?


Is it a new, stainless steel Green Walmart water-bottle line, showcasing how they are abandoning bottled water, saving millions of plastic bottles from entering the waste stream and waterways?


They are releasing a line of cosmetics, called Geo-Girl, targeting the pre-teen, or tween. Yes, makeup for your children, ages 8-12.  The products include include blusher, mascara, face shimmer and lipstick, as well as anti-aging products (um, really?).

When I was growing up, these years were called childhood.  Now, apparently, they are tween.  So, according to this targeted growth market, my kindergarten aged daughter will be ready for these products in the second grade.

I don’t think so.

Why not?  According to an expert featured on this segment,

“We are raising another generation of girls who kind of measure their self-worth based on what’s on the outside,” Dr. Logan Levkoff, author of the book “Third Base Ain’t What it Used to Be” said to “Good Morning America.”

Read the rest of the post here.