Past events:
Northshire Bookstore Saratoga: June 8th, at 10am then a hike at the local Wilton Woods to look for salamanders!
Writing for Change: intergenerational workshop. Waitsfield Public Library, February 13, Waitsfield, Vermont, 6:30pm
Speaking for Change: intergenerational workshop. February 21st, Waitsfield Public Library, Waitsfield, Vermont, 6:30pm
Salamander Sky reading + book signing: March 3, Grafton Museum, Grafton, Vermont 1-2:30pm
Salamander Sky Book Launch Party and Salamander Crossing Training: March 10th, North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, Vermont, 3:30-5:30 pm
Salamander Sky- a book launch and salamander celebration: March 11, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Vermont, 1-3pm. Hosted by Audubon Vermont.
Salamander Sky reading + signing: March 17th, Bridgeside Books, Waterbury, Vermont, 10:30-noon. The Salamander Sky workshop is geared toward preschool through elementary school aged students, and models first hand exploration and investigation in nature. The workshop will target many of the Next Generation Science Standards for elementary school students, including life cycles, wetland habitats, diversity, adaptations and human impact.
Salamander Sky event: March 24th, Kellogg Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Vermont, 10:30-11:30am
Salamander Sky book signing + talk: April 7th, Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, Vermont, 11:00am
Educator Event: Picture books as a springboard for project based learning, April 28th, Bear Pond Books Montpelier, Vermont, 11:00-12:00pm
Salamander Sky storybook time: May 12th, Next Chapter Bookstore, Barre, Vermont, 10:30am