Professional Development

Katy regularly presents for local, state, national and international organizations and schools about powerful pedagogies such as community-based, purpose driven service and project based learning with K-12 students, with a special focus on the middle grades. She is currently focused on teacher retention, increasing access to STEM fields, and developing rigorous science learning programs. Recent talks and presentations include:

  • Burnout Theory, Pandemic Teaching and Teacher Efficacy: What Is Lost When Schools Return to “Normal”? (AERA annual conference)
  • Service Learning in the Middle Grades, Learning by Doing and Caring (IARSCLE conference)
  • Using Picture Books to Spark Service Learning (CLiF annual conference)
  • Grow Rooted, Grounded STEM with Purpose (Vermont Fest conference)

Katy also can lead book talks, workshops and discussions based on any of her books on the topics of personalized learning, service and project based learning, teacher attrition and sustainability, as well as workshops for adults and youth about finding your voice in writing. Please be in touch at katyfarber (at) to share your needs.