New Posts on MomsRising, Moms Clean Air Force, and Non-Toxic Kids

2014 ecotiptue


Last week was very busy in the area of environmental health and in my posting.  I wrote articles on Non-Toxic Kids, and for MomsRising and Moms Clean Air Force.


On Non-Toxic Kids, I reviewed the top 3 stories of the week. GMO free Cheerios, new flame retardant rules, and Triclosan under review by the FDA top the list.  The issues to report on and decisions to make as a parent are endless! I also wrote a post sharing 8 ways to help children avoid toxic chemicals at public schools. This is an issue near and dear to my heart as a teacher, parent and writer.


At Moms Clean Air Force, I shared my take on the top 10 children’s health stories of 2013. These clearly indicate how regular parents are impacting the decisions companies are making for the better. We have the power– and in 2014 we need to continue to use it to move markets and legislation in favor of protecting public health versus profits.


On MomsRising, I shared  10 tips for a green, toxin-free and healthy 2014. These were from the MomsRising weekly Twitter chat I host called #EcoTipTue. We had three great guests and lots of participants who shared their ideas and goals for 2014.  The ideas are inspiring and give me hope that we will continue to make great progress is raising healthy families and protecting kids everywhere.