January 6, 2011 – 7PM (PST) EducationNow! welcomes the return of Katy Farber for a discussion on her new book: “Change the World with Service Learning”. Katy Farber was our guest in early August 2010 talking about her book: “Why Great Teachers Quit and How We Might Stop the Exodus”.
Listen: http://www.educationnowhermes.com/
Comment: hermes@pacific.net
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Change the World with Service Learning – How to Organize, Lead and Assess Service-Learning Projects is Katy Farber’s new book. Katy is a fifth and sixth-grade teacher from Vermont. She also writes a popular parenting blog about green living called Non-Toxic Kids.
A documentary film by Noodlehead Network called “Is This Going to Be on the Test? Place-Based Learning: Kids Exploring Their Own Community” was created about the service-learning projects completed by Katy Farber’s students in 2002. Katy writes that her students have located and preserved habitats, built community gardens, set up all-school composting and recycling programs, created numerous field guides, written and illustrated children’s books with science themes, and created and performed plays to teach younger students about science, history and culture.
Do you want to see improved school attendance, lessened dropout rates, increased standardized test scores and academic performance, improved attitudes, a better sense of responsibility and civic engagement in our students? Then you won’t want to miss this discussion with Katy Farber.
Contact Information for Katy Faber:
I hope you will be able to join me for the launch, but if not, you can download free and/or listen any time after the launch, at our website.
Education Now! is a production of The Hermeneutic Institute for Wholistic Health & Education, a 501c3 non-profit corporation.
Education Now’s broadcasts are listed in the events calendar on the American Montessori Society website at:http://www.amshq.org/regionalGroupsEvents.htm
Athena Melville – host